Category Archives: fitness

August Challenge 50 Miles Complete

Did the last 6 miles this morning which rounds out an even 50. I am probably down about 3 pounds but my waist is definitely an inch or two smaller as measured by my pants and belt. Good times.

4 More Down Just 6 To Go

Ran an easy 4 miles this morning. Between being a bit sore from Sunday’s run and a delightful but heavy dinner of steak, veggies and taters (not doing that before a run day again) I was dragging this morning but still got it done. The plan is to lift tomorrow and do 7 on Thursday which gives me Friday as a contingency.

I was thinking out loud and BSing with my NCO counterpart (who is a runner but a little guy so rucks are rough on him) about next months goals. I tentatively plan to keep the same mileage goal. Since I will be on leave about the best case scenario is holding what I have. Do however plan on continuing to increase the distance of the longer runs. I would like to do a 10 miler by the end of next month, using proper progression towards the goal to ensure safety. Additionally I would like to ruck at least once a week, probably the distance of my long run. Not rucking regularly has been this month’s weak spot for sure. If I toss in a short speed or recovery type run into the mix mileage will not be a problem.

Since I will be on vacation having a bit of flexibility is important and I am trying to be aggressive but realistic with my goals. In the past I have been somewhere between bad and terrible about exercising while on leave. However I am getting older so taking breaks and just bouncing right back doesn’t work as well as it used to. Also showing up to a new place (in comparison to where you have been) in mediocre shape is never a good way to start things out.

Random Thoughts From Lost

Wifey and I have been watching Lost on Hulu plus lately. Finally about to finish the series. I have observed some things both good and bad that are worth talking about. We will alternate good and less good. Otherwise there is no particular order.

Good: Most characters carry basic gear with them all the time. How everybody got a backpack I am not sure but they all seem to have them. Basically they all had the best survival kit they were able to put together. Contents are basic stuff like a water bottle, some food, as well as other useful stuff they might have like fire starting gear, a knife and a firearm if they have them.This stuff makes surprise events or unplanned trips much more comfortable than they otherwise would be. Also this lets them survive if they can’t make it back to camp/ their supplies though since it is TV the nitty gritty is glossed over.

Less Good: Repeatedly I have been disappointed that the characters fail to use even the most primitive caches. [The only exception is Sawyer occasionally hiding the stuff he stole from the group] They get a bunch of food, medicine or weapons and then end up losing it all due to an accident/ explosion or needing to flee from an overwhelming force. Simply by putting a rifle with ammo, some food and gear in the most water resistance stuff you can find and tucking it under an overhang of a cave or a hole in an old tree they would be way ahead of the game.

Good: The importance of having medical skills in your groups was emphasized. It is awful convenient  that they had a bunch of Doctors on the island. The value of such skills cannot be overstated. Regardless of if you have a doc (lucky!) or not everybody needs to get as proficient as they can because Doc might be the guy who gets unlucky in a gunfight or cutting wood.

Less Good: The kumbaya  factor was a bit high. The fights and conflict in the beginning of season 1 are probably pretty realistic. People do band together in times of need but they sometimes go all Lord of the Flies.

Good: The need to be fit in a variety of ways is emphasized. Be able to run, swim, climb, lift stuff and if need be carry people. 

Less Good: The ratio of accidental/ illness to dramatic crazy stuff in terms of injuries was quite off. Granted it was a TV show but for every gunfight there are going to be a dozen cuts from inexperienced people using sharp tools, cases of the common cold or food poisoning or whatnot.

Good: The importance of skills was emphasized.There is a saying that the more you know the less you need to carry. That is really helpful if circumstances leave you less than ideally equipped.

Anyway I hope this gives you something to think about.

4 More Down and 24 More Left

Did a nice easy 4 miler this morning. Hope to knock out 4 more this weekend pushing kiddo.

7 More Down And 32 Left

Thursday we rucked 5 miles and today I ran 2 with kiddo in the jogging stroller. It takes some effort but this seems solidly doable. I am going to try to get a few longer runs in over the coming weeks.

August Challenge

Challenge #1: Run/Ruck 50 miles

Challenge #2: Lose 5 pounds

Anybody with me?

No need to do both. Choose whichever challenge(s) fit your situation and goals. Look, I am not a doctor or in any way qualified to give medical or fitness advice. I am just a guy doing what he as learned in the way that works for him. It should go without saying that if you ran 0 miles last month do start running but don’t be an idiot and try to do 50 miles as you will probably break something. Do couch to 5k instead.

No real logic behind either of these challenges. I had planned to run 40 but 50 seems like a nice round number. Also I want to lose a few more pounds, maybe as much as 10 but 5 is good for a month. As of earlier this week I weighed 188 pounds so that will be the start point with 183 as the goal. This morning I ran 2 miles so just 48 to go.

What Did You Do To Prepare This Week?

We got some silver rounds and a very small gold coin. Also I hit the weight pile twice and ran 8 miles. This coming week I am going to run/ ruck at least 10 miles.

What did you do to prepare this week?


Trying To Be Positive

This would probably be a more popular and successful blog if I agreed with people that plans I believe to be seriously flawed were just great. Things like “Sure 10 minutes of callistenics and a 20 minute walk 3 times a week will have you into peak fighting shape” or “everyone knows popping off a few rounds 3 times a year with your buddies is the peak of firearms training” or “yeah a High Point 9mm is the best handgun on the market today for self defense.”

I thought about it a lot and realized that I just don’t really care. I have certain beliefs that I hold pretty strongly. They stem from my background, personal and professional experiences. Heck often I have tried these things and found them to be wanting. Also my nature is such that I tend to share and call stuff that is wrong when I see it. If I wasn’t that way this blog probably wouldn’t exist.

I thought about it a lot and think I have come to an answer. Part of the issue is that I am coming at things negatively instead of positively. Really folks doing something is seriously better than nothing. The last thing I want to do is to discourage anybody.

So I am going to try and be a bit more positive when I call it as I see it. Anyway that is all for today,


Stepping Back

It is nice to think that you will only move forward in life. That on any given day you are in the best physical and financial shape and the most prepared that you have every been. Things just don’t quite work that way. This is hard for people to admit. Particularly when we talk about the sort of type A aggressive guys that tend to gravitate to the military and preparedness this isn’t a trait we are good at.

Recently I have had to do this. The strength training program I am using (5/3/1) uses a slow planned progression. Every cycle you lift a little bit more. Pretty much every other credible program out there uses something similar. I have an excell spreadsheet that calculates all the percentages and weights.

The thing is that I haven’t gotten stronger in the last 2 months, in fact I have gotten weaker. I left Afghanistan, spent a week and a half or so in transit and then got back to Germany. I took leave which included some traveling. I have had a bunch of off time and several weeks where I was just really unfocused. Not a huge deal, there was more important stuff going on than the gym. As a result I have probably had a strength lost of 6-8%. That means I can’t do the reps at a given weight I should be able to by my current spreadsheet. The solution is to decrease the maxes I am using to calculate the lifts for the workouts. I took 10% off of all my lifts and will go back to the gym next week using the adjusted weights.

Also not too far back I came to the realization that some of our preparedness systems were in a serious state of disorder. In some ways we were quite prepared but there were some significant holes. We started plugging the gaps and stuff is getting back towards where it should be.

This sort of thing could happen to your fitness level if you get sick or injured. Or you might just slack off and gain a few pounds.Your finances could take a hit due to the bad economy, a job loss or some other unfortunate circumstances.

The thing I have realized is that it in cases like these where life happens or systems deteriorate due to innattention it isn’t so much that you are taking a step back as that you are accepting the step backwards which already happened. I could work closer to failure and use bad form to get the prescribed reps but why. Actual progress decreases, injury rates go up, generally bad things happen from that plan. Instead of ignoring issues in our preparedness I am addressing them. The same thing with preps or money or whatever.

Other times you may plan to take a step back for whatever reason. Maybe  you are going to make a long distance move so you consume, sell or give away a bunch of stored food and supplies. You might decide to take a job you will enjoy more that makes less money so you adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Maybe you decide to pursue some sort of fitness goal. Fitness, more than just about anything else has a real push/ pull between different areas. If you gain a bunch of strength and muscle you will lose endurance. If you decide to start doing a lot of long distance running, biking or whatever you will almost surely see some loses in strength and muscle mass. This isn’t a bad thing, it is just how our bodies work.

My point is that you need to be honest with yourself, your situation and abilities. Sometimes this means you need to admit that things aren’t were they used to be and adjust your plans accordingly. It doesn’t matter where you were a month or a year or 10 years ago. It matters where you are today and where you are going to be in a month or a year or 10 years. Take the lessons from your failures and use them to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Winning and Losing: Eating Well, Couch to 5k, Berkey Water Filter and Solar Power

We have been making some changes lately. We have started eating a lot better. More fresh fruit and veggies, lean protien and better carbs. Less eating out, just plain junk and carbtastic blah meals. Most of it is pretty intuitive. If there are not chips in the house you won’t eat chips. Having some discipline and not going out to eat every time we feel like it and that sort of thing. The carb thing is kind of a grey area with lots of folks taking different views. We have both tried the super low/ no carb thing before and it doesn’t work for us. She just hates it and I am tired and weak all the time. Instead we are trying to eat more reasonable portions of wheat bread or tortillas and brown rice. Just avoiding the huge bowl of white rice or plate of pasta kind of meals. We both feel a lot better and are getting healthier.
Wifey has been doing Couch to 5k. She is midway through week 6 right now. While she, like many people, does not currently and probably never will like running it is working for her. She noticed that dragging the kid up stairs has gotten easier. I would say this is a real good program for lots of people to seriously look at. If you are a fairly healthy person who is of a reasonable (like not morbidly obese) body weight but have not been very physically active this is a great way to get back to it. Toss in some sort of weight training program and you will be good to go. If you are seriously overweight or woefully out of shape it might be wise to do some sort of build up to this program, like eating reasonably and walking 1-2 times a day several days a week for a month or two to build up some conditioning and drop some fat. As always everybody should consult a general practice doctor, a dietitian, a cardiologist and a physical therapist before any sort of change to their diet or beginning any exercise program.

Personally I am cutting back to 2 times at the weight pile a week and upping my conditioning. Still doing the big lifts, just a bit more geared toward holding what I’ve got while conditioning gets tightened up. The human body only has so much work capacity and most of us only have so much time so there is a sort of push/ pull relationship. If you add or up the intensity in one thing you are going to almost inevitably lose ground in some other. Also inherantly between weight training and running/ cardio/ conditioning there is an inherant trade off. It isn’t a bad thing really, especially for someone without many sport specific goals. Unless you plan to be a competitive marathoner or powerlifter it really isn’t an issue.

On the downside our Berkey water filter is currently deadlined. I couldn’t get it to seal and pass the dye test then (maybe while slightly frusterated;) I broke one of the white plastic nut/ bolt combo’s that seal up the holes without an element in it while putting it back on. So I am not sure what exactly was wrong but now there is a new problem to deal with. Talk about not moving in the right direction!

This happened about three weeks ago and I put it away in frustration. I am going to get a replacement nut/ bolt and some more elements (either to replace the faulty ones or as spares) then go from there. On the bright side the good folks at Directive 21 have been great in helping me trouble shoot things and have just been a huge help with this. If I weren’t such a slacking procrastinator this problem would likely already be fixed. Had I bought our Berkey from some no name fly by night folks who knows where I would be.  There are no problems that money (hopefully not very much, I really want it to be just the washer, not the element(s)!) and time can’t fix. It hasn’t been a huge concern because we have another water filter. Maybe there is a lesson there.

On a nice sunny day recently I busted out my little solar charger. I fiddled with it until I had a decent idea how it was supposed to work and then plugged in my kindle. After several hours in direct sunlight nothing happened and my dead kindle was still dead. This lead to a good amount of not very nice language.

 I realised a few things from this. First of all I do not know anywhere near enough about electricity. Second since we have added all sort of stuff, some pure entertainment and some useful since picking this charger up we may have already outgrown it. Third I need to test it at it’s primary purpose which will be charging AA and AAA sized batteries. I am waiting for a sunny day when I have time to mess with it. Another more substantial (probably 15-26 watts) portable solar charger and maybe some sort of battery bank could be in order. However I have to do some more testing and become a more educated consumer before putting something else onto the wish list. If anybody has good resources to check out on this front I would be interested. Specifically good primers on electricity in general and a good breakdown of what watt/ size pannels can charge what sort of stuff and in how long would be great.

These two events were pretty frusterating for me. Nothing like having to go back to the drawing board or adding something else to the shopping list in an area where you thought things were good. Then again testing stuff is a good thing, even if you don’t get the answers that you would like. Far better to have issues now, with the worst case being spending a little bit of money (water filter) or adjusting my expectations and maybe searching for a new piece of gear (solar charger), then some time down the road during an emergency when I need this stuff to work.

I guess the closing point is to look at eating healthier, getting into better shape plus alsp really start testing and retesting your equipment. Odds are something that should work might not.