Category Archives: funny

Picture Fun


Just get drunk and drive around with a monkey. This sounds like an episode of Reno 911.

Sometimes Crooked Cops are Funny

Picture Time

 Folks always talk about that individual whose politics you hate but you think would be wicked cool to party with. For me without a shred of doubt it would be Bill Clinton.

Quote of the Day

“I don’t have to be careful. I’ve got a gun. “-Homer Simpson

Totally the wrong way to think for so many reasons but really funny because it is Homer.

Pic Post

 Got to love Vladmir Putin. He really is a bad mama jamma strait out of a Tom Clancy novel.

Not sure if this last one is an authentic old terribly un PC ad or a newly made terribly un pc ad. Regardless it is so steriotypical but with that shred of real life that is just great. Makes me think it is something Red from That 70’s show would have said.

I spent the whole day writing at work so you all get pictures. Lots of things are in my head but I am totally wrote out. 

My Drunk Kitchen: MRE’s

I was going to take a bunch of pictures and talk about gear I regularly use today. Really I had a great post planned, honest I did. However it just didn’t happen. No reason in particular, just all of a sudden it was 8 oclock at night, I hadn’t started and had not motivation. I stumbled onto this great youtube video where a girl who apparantly drinks and does food reviews tries an MRE. Warning there is a bit of foul language.

I hope you all find this half as amusing as I do!

The “leftovers” are pretty good also.

Probably Not Legit But Legitimately Funny

Self Defense Steps for Women

Quote of the Day

“Why did you do that, why did you light the fuse man?” – Hugo
“Why wouldn’t I light the fuse?” -Locke
“Maybe because I was running towards you waving my arms and yelling don’t do that.” -Hugo
“laughter… well you got a point there, I guess I was just excited.”-Locke