Category Archives: precious metals

What Did You Do To Prepare This Week?

Some weeks you end up buying a bunch of stuff and this was sure one of them. Prices seemed right so we bought silver and gold. I got a bunch of stuff to finish off the get home bag which I am pretty psyched about. I ordered a Nalgene bottle  with matching steel cup, another knife sharpener, some more water purification tablets, one of those heavy duty emergency blankets, too much stuff to remember or list. I will probably talk about it at some point once things arrive.

Also  we seem to be fiddling some with alternative transportation. I got a bike, though sadly not a sweet Harley. Also I found a small wagon, like to pull the kid around in. It is pretty cool. It has little seats and a place for him to put a sippy cup. We took it out this weekend and he really liked it. Being able to move him and a bit of stuff in a way that he is happy with is significant. Also the wagon led to a slew of Oregon Trails jokes which was big fun. These little steps may just take us somewhere.

Anyway that is what we were up to this week. I hope you all did some good stuff. Remember it isn’t just about buying things. Exercise, learn and practice new skills, network and build relationships, work on your tribe. Just do something that makes you more prepared than you were last week.

Blah, Life and Sickness

Well I have pneumonia. It wasn’t a huge suprise as I have had a wickedly nasty cough for almost 3 weeks. It has been sort of a weird thing because aside from a wicked cough (with the caviate that I have done next to nothing physically straining since being sick) and being kind of physically and mentally tired all the time but overall I pretty decent. Turns out it is kind of an odd strain so it was hard to diagnose but eventually they figured it out. So now I am on some drugs to treat it and they seem to be working.

When I had double pneumonia back in Fall 2010 our medical folks were moderately concerned I was going to die. I was the sickest I have been in my entire life. I was barely coherant and weak as could be. Maybe I am somehow weak in the lungs or something. Who knows. Anyway.

As to the recent video and talk about 1911’s and the comment on snubbies that seems to have gotten folks all bent out of shape. I have a post basically written in my head that will explain my opinions on a lot of background and conceptual stuff but just don’t feel like writing it today. I am mentally just too tired to bother. My desire to argue is minimal and my desire to argue with people who aren’t talking about actual facts or data is nonexistent.

I am coming to wonder if guns are a topic that cannot be talked about rationally. If I even mention that a gun is anything less than absolutely perfect folks get seriously bent out of shape. It sort of makes sense why gun rags write that every gun is just completely awesome. Then again it sort of makes sense that I think their reviews and articles are complete shite and I haven’t bought a gun rag in years.

I may have called a good time to buy a couple days back but last night I finally bought PM’s. Silver was at about $28.09 and Gold at about $1570. They had been slipping back up and it seemed like a good time. Who knows anyway. Tomorrow I am probably going to go bike shopping. Not sure I will get anything but I do want to see what is available here in the $300-400 price range.

For awhile I was listening to the news online at work. I listened to some Dave Ramsey too but I think I am good for that once a week or month at the most. I love his stuff but it is aweful repetetive. Over the last couple days I have stopped that and started listening to rock music instead. I read or at least skim the drudge every day and if I have time check out the BBC but music lets me drone out and be productive which is a good thing. Also the news has been making me mad lately and music gets me going so the decision is easy.

Anyway I hope you all have a good day and maybe I will put together something more on point tomorrow.


Monday Randomness

So France elected a Socialist president. I am pretty ambivalent about this as I do not live there or have any meaningful ties to the place. This could be interesting because it would push back against Germany’s austerity measures when it comes to their broke, dysfunctional and still running a deficit southern neighbor Greece as well as not far behind Portugal and Spain. Right now Germany is the only one that can really try to bankroll continued enabling temporary aid. As their smaller, poorer, weaker and generally far less masculine next largest European partner France has really helped this be a united front instead of mean old Germany. This could be fun to watch.

The thing that lots of folks don’t seem to get is for governments spending  and income as measured by taxes or growth as measured by GDP are related. Spending affects the economy through jobs, buying things, etc. Increasing revenues via taxes can also hurt the economy. The typical IMF style austerity plan is really a downward spiral. Imagine a company deciding to save by cutting out the advertising that brings in customers or in a more extreme case a dairy farmer cutting expenses by feeding his cows less. Obviously not a good plan. I don’t know the answer is. You can tell the debtors to shove it (if you owe the bank 10k they own you but if you owe them 10 billion then you own them) which Greece is not big enough to do; or to not get into the situation in the first place.

Mexico is still a mess. Their government can’t or won’t stop the cartels from acting with total impunity and doing things like hanging a bunch of bodies from bridges or decapitating people. If there is anything good in the future there I am not aware of it and in fact the place seems to be in a downward spiral. I would not be suprised if I get a paid vacation there at some point in the next few years.
Metals are down a bit but I am not sure it is buying time. I feel a dip coming.

I have been trimming up some lately. I switched to light beer and have been paying more attention to what I eat as well as to portion sized. It seems to be working. Nothing huge really but I didn’t need a massive course correction anyway. Hopefully in the next few days I finally kick this bug and can get back to doing some good PT. Don’t worry I am still lifting heavy things in order to continue to be awesome. I don’t believe in big changes in routines (powerlift for 3 months to “bulk” then do cardio and bodyweight to “tone” or whatever) but running, rucking and biking or whatever more during the spring and summer then hitting the gym a bit more in the winter when it is nasty outside seems like a pretty natural rhythm.
Anyway I hope you all have a decent Monday. Mine was pretty chill and I got to hit the gym so I will call it a win.

Getting Into Precious Metals

When I was home for leave my very good friend and nominal coauthor Ryan were able to catch up. He mentioned that he was somewhat interested in precious metals but wasn’t quite sure where to start. I meant to send him some info but whoops, it never happened. Anyway it popped back into my head recently. I thought this might be a worthwhile blog post to boot. So anyway.
A lot of big names in survivalism say that you should not get into precious metals until you have your beans, bullets and bandaids squared away. One big name defines that as a years worth of food. I am not going to say they are wrong but I look at it differently. To me precious metals are not part of my preps parse, they are the ultra conservative portion of my financial planning. To me a dollar that is going to silver isn’t a dollar that would be going to beans or bullets, it is a dollar that would be going into savings or investments. You could look at it either way or some other way.
[I realized in writing this that it is important to define some terms for newbs. When talking about pre -64 90% silver the term face value is used. Face value is the value of the coins at the time of minting, back when they were just money. A dime is a dime face value, 10 dimes are a dollar face, etc. 90% silver is often sold this way in $5 or $10 rolls and $50, $100 and $1,000 face bags.  It is important to note that these bags are not weighed but sold by face value. Typically with newish or normally circulated coins the difference between the actual weight and the theoretical weight at manufacture is tiny. However in large quantities when dealing with seriously worn coins it matters. Either negotiate a significant discount for or pass on big bags of heavily worn dimes.  Bullion is just that, metal that is made into a bar, ingot, coin or round that is sold essentially as metal. To me this includes the new American Eagles, Canadian Maple Leafs and such. They may or may not have a nominal monetary value but the cost of the metal is the real value. Precious metals are traded as commodities like oil, corn or whatever. Numismatic is a phrase that means collectible. Basically these are coins or whatever that are rare and or in particularly good condition and thus have significant value beyond their metal content. This is a totally different game than bullion with its own rules. It is one I don’t fully understand and do not involve myself in. If you want to collect coins that is great but I would consider it a hobby not part of your financial or preparedness efforts. Spot price is the value of an ounce of silver or gold (or copper, platinum or whatever but they are outside of the scope of this post) strait out of the ground. Obviously it costs money to make that metal into a coin or bar and those folks have expenses and want to make a profit. Also the guy selling it has expenses and wants to make a profit. The difference between spot price and the actual purchase price is called a Premium. For various market reasons some products have higher premiums than others. For example an American Eagle gold coin always costs a few bucks more than a Canadian Maple Leaf or a Krudgerrand. In silver big names like Englehard can carry a premium of a buck or so. Feel free to ask if you have questions about anything.]

Are you ready to invest in precious metals?
By the theory I do not subscribe to you should have a bunch of beans, bullets and bandaids. (Certainly you should at least have a functional weapon with some bullets, and enough food, etc to deal with a snow storm or a hurricane.) If you look at it more as a financial thing like I do one would want to take care of any nasty debt like credit cards or anything above say 8% interest rate and have some cash savings. If you do not have some basic survival stuff like a pistol or a shotgun, some food, a way to cook it, etc and have an outstanding balance with Visa at 18% then it might be wise to throw your resources at those issues. Lets just say that you have some basic preps and no nasty debt before jumping into PMs.

How To Buy?

It depends on your overall situation. If you have a good amount of money sitting around you could go order a big bag of silver and or some gold and be done with it. The stockbroker seeing the writing on the wall and ordering a hundred thousand dollars in gold is kind of an urban legend in contrarian investing and precious metals circles. For most folks we don’t have a lot of money lying around so we will be making purchases as our income allows. The concept of dollar cost averaging is worthwhile to consider here. However like any financial plan I recommend that you pay yourself first. Maybe you buy a one ounce round every payday or whatever you can afford. Figure it out and stick to it unless your situation changes significantly. This doesn’t need to be a big thing just come up with a reasonable plan and execute it regularly instead of waiting till the end of the pay period and hoping there is something left. You may or may not want to go full on Dave Ramsey and allocate every dollar before you get it. We don’t have a complete budget but we plan our saving and investments and execute them consistently. However our financial situation as bills relate to income is pretty comfortable. If we had credit cards with big balances, car loans and whatever we would go full on OCD. Typically like diets I would say the worse your situation is the more you need to be strict about it.

What to buy?

“The Moneylender” said “Buy silver before gold, buy small gold before large gold.” I think that is pretty darn good advice. Silver is a good way to start for a lot of reasons. First it is affordable. Right now spot is about $32 which puts a one ounce round probably at $35-36ish. Pretty much anybody can afford to pick one up a paycheck. If you can’t free up a bit under $40 a paycheck I suggest seriously looking at your overall situation. Also you can make a mistake and overpay by a bit and it won’t kill you.

Silver can be purchased in two basic products, pre ’64 90% silver and 99% bullion. There are other options but we are keeping it simple here.Pre ’64 90% silver is dimes, quarters, 50 cent pieces and silver dollars made before 1964. Yes our change was made of silver. The stuff I am talking about has no real numismatic (collector) value and typically dates from the early 1900’s to 1964. The advantage of this stuff is that it is in small pieces. A dollars worth of silver is right about .77 of a troy ounce of silver. Thus a dime is about .07, etc. I am too lazy to look up and type all the exact weights but you can look them up here. The other option is  99% silver bullion. This is rounds or bars or ingotts made of as close to pure silver as one can easily get. Some like Eagles or Canadian Maple Leafs are minted by a country and many others are made by numerous private mints.These are made in all sorts of weights but 1, 5, 10 and 100 ounce are the most common.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. 90% silver is in small denominations. At today’s prices even one ounce rounds are too large to make small transactions like a few groceries. Also they are readily recognizable at least to folks who know our change used to be made of silver. The biggest disadvantage is that many dealers charge almost crazy premiums if you buy this stuff in small (under $100 face value which is 70 some odd ounces and costs about $2,500 bucks) amounts. We will revisit this when we talk about where to buy the stuff.

Bullion is generally a bit cheaper per ounce [Remember for these purposes you are buying METAL, not a coin or whatever. Thus the goal is to get as much METAL as possible for your dollars.] than 90% silver. Also it is typically in convenient weights. If the going trade is an ounce of silver for 5 pounds of beef or 20 pounds of wheat (or whatever) it is a lot easier to have nice round denominations. Also some folks say that it is good for a coin/ ingot to say it’s content and purity ie “One ounce of .999 pure silver”. These folks thing people who are less than knowledgable about PM’s may be more inclined to accept their value.

Whatever you decide to go with silver is a great place to start. First of all it is reasonably affordable. Second of all it is in small enough denominations to sell a coint or two to a dealer and buy groceries or a tank of gas or to barter a little bit at a time to get whatever. I would recommend purchasing a pretty good amount of silver before thinking about gold. If you are into round numbers maybe $100 face (70 some odd ounces) or 100 ounces of bullion could work but it all varies based on your situation.
Silvers biggest advantage is that anybody not living on the street (heck even a wino could cut down their Thunderbird consumption or panhandle a bit more agressively and pick up a 90% dime or quarter from time to time) can afford to buy it, if slowly and in small incriments. The biggest disadvantage of silver is that at some point it gets HEAVY. I know a guy who needs to use a truck to move his silver, while that is a nice problem to have he would face some hard choices if he needed to evacuate in a hurry. This brings us to gold.

Gold is a lot more expensive than silver and could be a bit overpriced right now, at least in relation to silver which is probably a better deal at this time. It is sitting somewhere around $1,660 an ounce. Gold comes in two basic varieties. Old coins and bullion. Old coins are just that, old coins from back when Gold was money. Bullion and new coins such as Eagles, Maple Leafs and Krudgerrand’s pretty much fall into the same group. Sometimes you can get good deals on the old coins, particularly European coins from aprox 1890-1917. Just be sure to stick to ones folks will recognize like Swiss and French Francs, British Sovereigns and the like. New coins/ bars are convenient because they are typically in nice round (1/10th, 1/4, 1/2 and 1 ounce) sizes and have the weight and purity clearly written on the coin. I don’t find one vastly superior to the other. Even weights are nice but old coins are kind of cool too. One noteable advantage of old coins (not numismatic/ collectable, just old very common coins in ok condition) is that they are typically the lowest premium way to buy small gold.
As we said before buy small gold before large gold. Small gold would be gold coins that are part of an ounce, typically 1/10th, 1/4 and 1/2 ounce and are also called fractional coins. As to how much of this stuff to buy before going to large gold (one ounce coins/ bars) I would say at least a couple ounces, maybe a few. For large gold I would purchase one ounce coins or ingots. I don’t see a reason to get anything bigger than that. For large gold I would just be sure to get something common like Eagles, Maple Leafs, Krudgerrands or Credit Swiss ingots.

As we talked about Golds biggest advantage (already considering that it is durable, recognizable, divisible and there is consistent demand for it) is that it is a very compact store of value. For the price of a one ounce gold coin you could get a nice bag of silver or a lot of other stuff. One could toss 50k in gold into a daypack and evacuate or into a ruck to GOOD but silver would be problematicly heavy. Also gold has a certain allure and enough folks have been able to use it to bribe/ buy their way out of a warzone or terrible situation that it bears considerations.

Where to buy?

Fundamentally there are three options. Brick and mortar dealers, online dealers and private  individuals. I will discuss the first two at length and then briefely hit the last.
It is important to note that you really need to be a smart consumer when it comes to PM’s. Check on Spot Price and know what sort of premiums a given product typically carries. Also be sure to consider the full cost of getting a product to your door. This means your time and travel to a shop or shipping from an online dealer.

Brick and mortar dealers are often coin shops that deal numismatic stuff and have bullion as a sort of side effort. Also pawn shops and I have heard some jewelry stores deal in bullion. Brick and mortar stores have some advantages. The first advantage is that they are convenient. Hard to beat picking up a silver round or a small gold coin every payday on the way home. Also if you decide to pay cash they have the factor of discretion. Personally I just can’t see Cops kicking in the doors of everybody who bought a few silver rounds or a gold coin so this is not much of a concern for me. However if you have some other issues going on this could be useful. Another advantage is that some of these folks can help you learn about PM’s. The old guy hanging out in his coin shop might be willing to help you learn about testing silver and gold or grading coins if you have the gift of gab and are a decent customer (or offer to help clean up or whatever). Also if it is a small shop and you are a good customer they may give you a call when products you like come in. Furthermore the coin/ pawn shop guy can be a good “grey world” contact who knows how to get stuff.

This is not to say that brick and mortar shops don’t have disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage of brick and mortar dealers is often price. Some of them for whatever reason charge crazy prices. I once laughed in a coin shop guys face when he wanted $10 OVER SPOT for beaten up no name 1 ounce silver rounds. It varies shop to shop based on their business model, competition and how informed their customers seem to be. Heck it may even change based on how much they think they can get away with on a given customer. The next disadvantage is often availability. Especially with the folks who have bullion as a side business like numismatic coin or collectibles dealers and pawn shops they predominantly sell what they have bought. This means they may have 90% silver one week, 1 ounce rounds the next, a couple 1/4 ounce Eagles here and some Krudgerrands there. With these guys you need to either be patient or flexible. Since brick and mortar stores are a local thing I can’t make any meaningful recommendations but I have had good dealings with a few in the past.
Online dealers tend to have the best prices and greatest availability which are their biggest advantages. Also comparison shopping is easy and you can do it on a Sunday morning in a bathrobe. The first downside is that you have to pay shipping. One absolutely must consider this in their “is this a good deal” calculation. It also makes frequent small purchases cost prohibitive. Paying $5 or 8 to ship something worth $35 or $40 is cost prohibitive for sure. That it is difficult to impossible to be anonymous could be a disadvantage or turn off for some folks. Also if for whatever reason you needed to turn cash into metals TODAY an online dealer would not be a wise route.

One of the biggest benefits of established dealers who make their living selling metals is that their livelihood rests on their reputation. If through bad intentions or neglect they sell some fake stuff they are totally hosed. Due to this they are as a rule honest and above board in their dealings. This doesn’t mean they they will always have competive prices just that the products will be what they are sold as.
Personally I used APMEX for a long time and have heard good things from Zero about Montana Rarities.
Personal transactions vary from boringly easy to the wide open wild west. I have purchased silver from a family member. I had some cash and they had some silver and we swapped. Online type purchases of PM’s from private folks have, at least IMO an uncomfortably high likelihood of fraud. I have been burned in a small way on Ebay and will not make that mistake again. Also there is just so much fake gold floating around. In the last few years some really legit looking stuff has came out of China.

Face to face transactions would have the same risk of counterfeits. I would need to be a lot more competent at testing gold, have calipers to take measurements and a scale to consider doing this. To make matters worse there are also security concerns. Remember that Marine who got shot trying to sell a gold necklace? If conducting such a transaction would meet somebody in a pretty public place, ideally with obvious cameras and carry a gun. If it was a significant transaction I would wear soft body armor and bring a couple friends with their own guns. No need to show up like gangsters, two guys at the next table sipping coffee would go unnoticed but could be very helpful if things went sideways.
Unless somebody you know and trust  is selling what you want to buy I am not a big fan of personal transactions there are just too many issues involved for the couple bucks you might save.

Well I hope this gives some insight on my thoughts about getting into PM’s and helps you make some informed choices about purchasing PM’s.

Pre 33 US Gold Coins and Pre 1899 Guns

Commander Zero wrote a great post on Pre 33 US Gold Coins and Pre 1899 Guns.
My thoughts are as follows:

A guy recommending pre 33 gold coins who conveniently happens to sell pre 33 gold coins viously has a obvested interest. The people who suggest going this route for gold almost without exception have some sort of financial interests in the mix. Also it comes at a sharp premium as much of this gold falls more into the collector area (particularly the slabed and graded coins in decent condition) than the bullion side. In other words the prices are far beyond a coins metal content.

My personal opinion is that the whole thing is a lot of worrying for nothing. Let us just say that a totalitarian government appears and decided to get gold grabby to say hedge an unstable fiat currency. Seizing gold in big commercial vaults like the ones in New York would be practical. However finding the records from every company that sells precious metals seems like a bit of a stretch. I can’t see a SWAT style search and confiscation mission to find every single Krudgerrand or gold Eagle that has been sold. More to the point gold is, at least in my observation such a nitche thing that it is really not an issue. Even if it happened I can’t see a bunch of goons who are looking for gold coins seeing your pile of gold coins and accepting the explanation that they are collectible and thus exempt from confiscation.

As to pre 1899 guns to me it is much of the same. The kind of legal loophole they seem to exist in is not one I would be comfortable relying on as my only protection. That could be benefitial during current times in places that are not firearm friendly like New York City but I am not so sure about it. Cops and prosecutors tend to be pretty good at knowing obscure laws that work in their favor but not so good at knowing or following ones which do not work in their favor. Also it is important to note that these guns do not exist under FEDERAL LAW. While I am unsure of it I suspect just about anything more dangerous than a super soaker probably counts as a gun in New York. If there is any relatively recent case law on this I would be interested in seeing it. Maybe some felonious gangbanger in NYC was caught carrying an old Colt Peacemaker and got a pass because of this legal loophole but I really doubt it. Also we have ignored that these guns are very old and finding functional ones at reasonable prices might be problematic. Additionally the logistics involved would probably be a nightmare. If collecting old guns is a hobby you enjoy then pursue it.

However if one has some sort of dark scenario in their head about gun confiscation or whatever I would recommend that instead of getting some pre 1899 guns they move to someplace that doesn’t suck and buy some modern guns from private parties. A guy who lives in Alabama or Wyoming and bought an AR or an AK at a gun show is without a doubt better off than one who owns a revolver from 1892 and lives in New York City or Washington DC. Also revisiting the point from gold I can’t see gun confiscating thugs who are searching your home passing by a pre 1899 Mosin Nagant rifle, a Winchester 1897 shotgun and a Smith and Wesson 44 special revolver of the same era based on your articulate explanation of their unique legal status.

In closing I think that acquiring old gold coins (at collector, not bullion prices) doesn’t make sense and is really only hyped by those with a vested financial interest. As to pre 1899 guns as a way to discretely own viable firearms seems to have a lot of inherant problems and thus likely isn’t worth the hassle.


It Isn’t Useful For X

This is something that has bothered me in the past. I will be talking about how it is a good idea to have some cash around and someone will inevitably say “that cash would be worthless in a hyperinflationary economic collapse” or talking about PM’s and they would say “you can’t barter with PM’s during the Mad Max end of the world scenario I envision”. The implication is that since a given thing is not useful during that one specific event it isn’t useful at all. I am just coming to see this train of though clearly today.

The issue is simple. That something is not useful for X scenario does not mean it isn’t useful overall which is the implication of the above mentioned paraphrased quotes. Look at it like this. A Glock 17 is a poor substitute for toilet paper but that doesn’t mean it is not useful. Does the ridiculousness of that sentence explain the foolishness of this train of thought? You get a thing or learn a skill not for what it doesn’t do, but what it does.

Part of the problem is folks getting tunnel vision on one scenario. For some reason it is usually a very specific one and unlikely one. The guy who is worried that $500 in small bills would lose their value if hyperinflation hit is so fixated on that one thing that he discounts numerous, far more likely, scenarios where having some cash would be useful. Also he fails to see that there is a far higher chance that he will be able to use that cash to buy goods and services in numerous other situations than that it will go up in proverbial hyperinflationary smoke.

My point isn’t that you need to think or do like I do. Different folks have different concerns and at the end of the day we all pays our money and takes our chances. My point is that you need to look at the big picture, not just one possible scenario.

Don’t get tunnel vision.

Random Thoughts- Common Caliber Ammo, groups, friends and mediums of exchange

I have done some reading lately and have posts on that ready for you to read shortly. I have been thinking about a few things.

Somebody once said that America has a century worth of guns and a couple years worth of bullets. I am not sure if that is true exactly or quite how to measure it. However the vast majority of Americans do not have a “buy by the case and stock it deep” kind of survivalist mentality. I once broke gun owners into 3 groups when it comes to ammo a) a box or less per gun b) a couple/ few hundred rounds or less and c) my kind of people.

I would wager that the vast majority of Americans fall somewhere between a and b. In all but the shortest term disaster if things go less than ideally folks will start to run out of bullets. This is an issue because some of these folks will be in your family, tribe or neighborhod. A gun with a person behind it that could be actively on your side, pulling guard and fighting if need be for want of bullets.

I think pistol ammunition, ammunition in gaming rifle calibers and shotgun shells would be aweful useful and .22 for practice and gaming is always useful. My observation is that folks who have semi auto rifles tend to have at least a few hundred rounds of ammo and thus I am less inclined to worry about them (unless we are talking about a longer darker scenario but that is another discussion) and I keep decent amounts of that stuff around anyway.

I take this into account in my ammunition stockage. I went to Walmart the other day to stock up on ammunition which I know some folks might need. Picked up a couple hundred rounds of .38 and a few boxes of 30-30 to put away for this type of situation and to help meet my own happy levels.

Knowing your friends and family helps here. I know a bunch of folks with .38 wheel guns and not a lot of bullets so that is a real consideration of mine.

Also you always want to have something folks want. Of course you try to have things squared away so there is no need to get anything but life never works quite that way. Best case you are trying to get something to help out a friend or develop a new group project to fill an unanticipated need. Personally I do not know what somebody might want. Having a wide variety of possible curriencies (cash, gold, silver, ammo, food, etc) gives me some options. Personally I always want the ability to do some swapping. Just some food for thought.

Quotes, Inflation and Hyperinflation

I underlined and bent the pages in The Ascent of Money for these quotes. They interested me and may interest you.
“Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, as Milton Friedman said. But hyperinflation is always and everywhere a political phenomenon, in a sense that it cannot occur without a fundamental malfunction of a country’s political economy.”
“Only entrepeneurs were in a position to insulate themselves by adjusting prices upwards, hoarding dollars (TOR adds they were talking about Germany post WWI so the dollar was a safe currency, comparisons could be made to the Canadian dollar or Swiss franc today), investing in real assets (such as houses and factories) and paying off debt in depreciating banknotes.”
Inflation is on my mid term worry calender. At some point a couple to several years from now employment will start rising and we will finally have worked the glut of housing inventory out of the system. Things will start to get better and consumer confidence will rise which leads to more spending. When those dollars banks, businesses and people have been hording under the mattress in case of emergencies start moving it will eventually become noticable that there are lots of dollars chasing the same amount of goods and prices will rise. Our benevolent banking friends the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates to try and slow the inflation. I am less than confident it will work.
On one hand I am not that worried about inflation because our income is secure and we live well below it with no debt. Remember that while inflation makes debts cheaper in real dollars and thus easier to pay off, it also hurts the economy and leads to layoffs and failed businesses. It doesn’t matter if your mortgage or bills cost 20% less if you are laid off/ business goes under and you make 100% less. In this respect we are in a good spot as we don’t owe anything.
However I do have some worried because we couldn’t raise my wages/ prices 20% tomorrow like a small business or whatever could. Since I am pretty happy with my job this is not going to change any time soon. That leaves us managing it. We don’t have any debt, let alone variable interest rate debt or a frickin ARM mortgage but if we did I would be trying to get those accounts settled in a hurry.
We own some precious metals which would hold their value and be very useful if inflation became truly ruinous. We also store some food which would help us get through issues with JIT inventories. In this sort of situation (high but not hyper inflation) most likely our biggest savior would be that our normal lifestyle is well below our means. It would mean saving less and our travel budget (destined to drop 50% or more anyway when we return stateside anyway) would drop significantly but our day to day existance would be the same.
Obviously that sort of plan would not work well in hyperinflation. For that sort of scenario I have less of a warm and fuzzy but since it is so unlikely my underoos aren’t all twisted up about it. As soon as practical we are going to start growing some of our own food which will help. Of course stored food and pm’s would help in emergencies or as a short term stop gap measure.
What are your preparations for inflation? What are your preparations for hyperinflation?

Today I was reading Survival Blog and interestingly Jim Rawles said it was time to back off of purchasing Gold and Silver. To put it into perspective The Godfather loves PM’s more than about everything except his kids, 1911 pistols and long term shef stable food. I personally made my last purchase a few months ago when silver was $28 or so. To be honest I don’t plan to consider making more purchases until it retreats back to that area. I am not a professional advisor or anything and if you follow my ideas you are truly on your own. Consider yourself disclaimed. Personally I will not be doing any selling because we are not yet at what I would consider our desired “core holding”. However if I had more than that I would seriously consider selling. I am just telling this to you guys to counter all the hysteria out there in our circles. I also have to note that the people promoting said hysteria almost always directly or indirectly profit from it.

The smart money is not buying into PM’s at these prices.


OPSEC is a heck of a thing. It cuts to the core of survivalism. We tend to have at least several guns lying around, generally some of those evil and easy to sell semi automatic military pattern types. As we saw not so long ago the wrong people seeing or hearing about a decent gun collection can lead to getting capped in the dome. Also if you are into precious metals those are really easy to sell compact high value items. Of course if the world ended somebody might care about stuff like food and fuel also. The key is not telling people, or letting them know what you have. Not mentioning things in conversation or letting people see stuff is also essential.

The core is about preventing anyone you don’t want to know what you have from knowing what you have. It is way more important than you might think.