Category Archives: storage

Somebody Smiled On Me

Since having kiddo we make sure to get out of the house as much as we can on weekends. When we don’t have anything going on or need to go shopping we go for walks or just do get out and do something local. One of the things we do is to drive around and see if anybody has tossed anything good by the garbage, yeah  real classy I know. It is PCS season and folks have been putting out some pretty decent stuff lately. Also the kid needed to be out of the house.

Anyway we were doing out usual dumpster dive recon today. I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye. I looked and it was an aluminum briefcase. Needless to say I grabbed it. Once we were home I checked it out. It turned out to be a genuine Halliburton and in used but good condition. After some fiddling I got the combination reset. I went to lock it and it didn’t lock. Mild annoyance ensued. A combination of WD-40 and aimless tinkering got it to work. So I now have a functional halliburton case.

In every action/ adventure movie folks use them to carry around all manner of cool stuff like cash, diamonds, jewels, high tech gadgets or guns. At least in the movie world there is a 100% chance something really awesome is inside one of these. For some dumb boyish reason I have always wanted one. I never got one because deep down I knew it was sort of stupid. Also I didn’t own anything cool enough to merit purchasing one.

Anyway now I have one. Good times.

Memorial Day Weekend

I guess the standard thing to do is to write some post about sacrifice and duty and all of that stuff. I  don’t have any desire to do that. My life has enough of that stuff that on the other 360 some odd days of the year. Quite frankly I find the whole thing depressing. I have lost people and don’t feel like dwelling on it over a nice sunny long weekend.

We would have gone someplace this weekend but with my lingering illness it didn’t seem smart. I am feeling decent and all but things can happen and I don’t want to go to the hospital in some random country. It turns out to be for the best I think. It has been a very quiet weekend which is a good thing.

I don’t know exactly why but I have been a crazy machine of productivity this weekend. Like the 1950’s stay at home mom who had 5 cups of coffee and a handfull of uppers that cleans the whole house, organizes the garage, weeds the garden, makes a beautiful dinner for the family and does 57 projects before hubby comes home. Well except it is not the 50’s, I am not a woman or on drugs. Anyway my point is that I have been really productive.

I cleaned the floors and reorganized the kitchen. A bunch of stuff that should have been in storage got moved there and junk got tossed. More cleaning occured in closets and other storage places. This included the kitchen closet which has been a black hole of chaos and unhappiness in our home. Our vehicle got cleaned out, vaccumed and organized.

We went shopping for some odds and ends. I didn’t plan to get anything else but went through the usual aisles (outdoor, tools, etc) anyway. Inventory changes sporatically and sometimes sales come up. I saw 3 D cell Mag Lights for $13 and picked up a few.

Over the weekend I found a slightly used (marker and a bit of paint on it but totally functional) generic rubbermaid type tub. These bins are one of those weird things for me. I have it in my head that they are really expensive when they aren’t. Well some of them aren’t anyway. The one I got costs about $8 new. A half dozen tubs worth $60 would probably fix a lot of problems and maybe even change my life as I know it. It is pretty dumb I guess.

We keep the usual sort of stuff in our vehicle: kid things, a first aid kit, warning triangles, jumper cables, some tools, jackets, socks and boots for me (I habitually wear comfortable/ nonpractical footwear and am not changing), a blanket, etc. Anyway since I got the junk out I wanted to get everything organized. Prior to now everything has been just floating around. I cleaned out the tub and got it ready to use. Since our sweet free tub is kind of big I added some more tools, a bag with some spare batteries, one of the new mag lights and some other things. Anyway now everything is nicely organized and neat which is pretty nice.

No big plans for tomorrow. Another quiet day and probably some stuff with the kid. Going to try and tie up some loose ends around the house before going back to work. If I feel motivated there are a couple closets that it would be nice to get taken care of.

Anyway I am happy with the progress this weekend. Getting things done that have been bothering me is a good feeling. We have also had some pretty nice family time. It has been really nice.

I hope you have a great weekend. Relax and enjoy some time with friends and family. If you are so inclined try to get some productive things done.

Eggs and Baskets

I got a harsh (if not personal) reminder recently about the importance
of not putting all your eggs into one basket. I am talking specifically
about preps but it could be finances too. Have a plan for if you are
unable to go home or to your “retreat”. So what is a guy to do.

First keeping a GHB/ 72 hour bag/ whatever you want to call it in your
vehicle. A good change of clothes, some solid footwear, a water bottle,
a box of ammo for your pistol, sleeping stuff, etc. This stuff would
also make a night sleeping over stuck at your cousins due to a storm or
whatever a lot more pleasant. Also if you can’t go home for whatever
reason at least you have some stuff. This shouldn’t need to be massive
though if you winter in Minnesota it might be.

Mine right now doesn’t have much in it. A change of clothes, a stocking
cap, socks, a light rain jacket, a few extra rifle mags and a woobie.
When it gets cold again I will add a pair of long underwear, heavy
gloves and some kind of coat. It is based around my needs and I may need
to crash somewhere or leave on short notice but am not likely going to
be making a fire with flint or a shelter out of sticks.

Another idea is keeping some stuff in another location. Where the
location should be is an interesting question. I would say close enough
that you can reasonably get to it but not so close to likely be affected
by the same disasters/ events. If evil biker zombies, or toxic aids rain
or whatever are all of a sudden an issue at your house odds are they
will be at your neighbor’s place too and the next block over. However
your friend who lives a few miles away may not be affected. Your cousin
who lives 30 miles away will almost certainly not be affected. On the
other hand a change of clothes in Maine does no good if you are in
Alabama. Most of us have a friend, cousin, whatever with whom we could
store a footlocker or a rucksack. A person with some land will probably
not even mind one of those small storage things or a small trailer. If
they are LMI then offer to do the same for them. Of course you should
only do this with folks you trust and even then probably want to limit
your risk. A couple of decent guns in a footlocker at a trustworthy,
financially stable functional person’s house is a pretty fair risk.

Caches are a part of this too though I would look to them after some
more realistic measures have been taken. The odds that for whatever
reason you won’t be able to go back home for a few days due to a
chemical spill/ whatever are far higher than darker scenarios. In this
case you don’t need cases of ammo buried in the woods (though that’s not
bad to have) but some clothes at your buddies would be nice.

I would look to use this sort of technique with things I could
reasonably need in the future and don’t need to have my hands on right
now. Can’t wear a sweater that is in Bob’s basement or defend yourself
with a gun in your Dad’s gun safe. However most of us tend to hold onto
slightly worn, potentially dated but useful things. A sweater with a
tear and a stain will keep you warm and is more useful at Bob’s then as
the 5th sweater in your house. That pistol sitting gathering dust and
being cleaned periodically in your safe could be stored elsewhere. More
likely that you will need a gun at Dad’s when the power goes out and
things get weird (inevitably the “one day” you aren’t carrying) than
that you will need to simultaneously arm 3 people (or even more) with
pistols at your primary residence. Bet there is a scatter gun or rifle
that could make the trip with it.

Don’t lose everything in one fell swoop. Do all you can to fight Murphy
back, if just as a delaying action.