Category Archives: movies

Quote of the Day

“It’s mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality.”
– The Bride Kill Bill

Quote of the Day

“When in doubt, shoot them all”-Wifey

We are watching the movie Face Off where the good guy looks like the bad guy who looks like the good guy.

Quotes of the Day The Fall of Sam Ax

“That’s going be your detonator, tape it on top of the valve” Sam
“Real quick the warning label says keep away” Doctor
“Yeah but we are building a bomb so you do the opposite….” Sam

 “Just to clarify commander, you decided to join the group you were sent to Columbia to investigate?” Investigator
“Join is a strong word” Sam

Quote of the Day

“Why would you risk your life for a #*$*&bag like Meryl Dixon?”-Steve to Rick
“You best choose your words more carefully”- Daryl (Merly’s brother) to Steve
“Oh no I did, #*$*&bag is what I meant”- Steve
Wifey got me season one of The Walking Dead on DVD for Christmas.

Stay At Home

The other day I ended up watching 20 minutes of a movie. According to the cover it was Needfull Things by Stephen King. A bunch of folks were going nuts or something and running around reaking havock on what by Stephen King’s predictable pattern was almost surely a remote small town in Maine that the main character just recently moved to.
In any case something occured to me. The right answer is almost always to stay home. If you look at likely and realistic situations far more often than not the right answer is to stay home. Implied tasks of this is to A) getting home and B) having the capability to sustain yourself, C) being able to protect yourself comes up but nowhere near as often as the mall ninja’s in various internet forum’s would have you think.
Unless you live in a major urban center the odds of any kind of significant unrest are minimal. If there is a natural disaster it is prudent to leave but the majority of the time the right answer (which coencides with the boring answer) is to stay home, much on some preps and hang out.
You WILL need fcash, food, water, the means to cook, lighting, some sort of heating plans and a plan for sanitation. You probably won’t need but would be well advised to have and be compitent with a couple of useful firearms as well as other security plans. A shotgun is aweful comforting during a black out.

Movie Review: Machete

First Danny Trejo is a really scary looking dude. Second I think this movie is going to be cheesy and entertaining. It is suprising how many big name actors and actresses are in this movie. Some of the action is downright ridiculous. Like completely over the top. There is a real pro illegal alien criminal position in this movie that is made quite clear by the storyline. That would have bothered me more except the whole thing was so rediculous that it didn’t.

It was an entertaining movie. At times it was somewhat serious and had good dialog with interesting plot twists. At other times it was cheesy and rediculous and funny. I really enjoyed it. Assuming you take the movie for what it is, a cheesy B movie with a bunch of A list actors you will enjoy it. A good thoughtless movie that is best served with a couple beers, buddies are nice but not required.

Guest Post Book/ Movie Review of The Road

A Review of  The Road By Cormac McCarthy or as I Like to Call it: How Not to Survive After A Disaster.

I read the novel The Road, by Cormac McCarthy and then after a few days of letting the story marinate, I watched the movie. Frankly, the book is better (it always is) but the director did a fabulous job with the movie. Obviously, large parts of the book were left out of the movie in the interests of time and flow, but the movie didn’t suffer for the editing. I am not going to lie, I cried like a little girl in some places. In other parts I wanted to jump right into the book and shake some sense into the main character, the man. In a survivalist situation, when you are doing everything you can to avoid being eaten by roving gangs of cannibals, who in their right mind makes nightly fires? Why not just stuff a moldy apple in the kid’s mouth, set him up on a platter and ring the dinner bell?

The book and movie should certainly not be taken as a manual on how to survive in the aftermath of a global cataclysmic event. As a piece of literature that explores issues of humanity, father and son relationships and questions our morals and ethics in the face of tragedy, it is a good read and may even get you thinking. It will certainly put you off light colored meat for awhile and have you hoarding all the fruit salad and ammo that you can.

From a preparedness point of view, this novel is incredibly disappointing. Through flashbacks, the reader is given multiple glances into the lead up to the disaster, as well as the time immediately following it. The man is knowledgeable enough to know that he needs to fill the tub with drinkable water before it is shut off, but doesn’t seem to do much disaster planning. The boy is born just after the disaster and the story begins when he is about nine or ten. One of the flashbacks shows the family still at their home and the child is about seven years old. We aren’t told what they have been doing in the interim, except that they have used all but two of the bullets in their one gun. They have a home with food and clothing and creature comforts that they leave for an unknown reason, yet they haven’t banded together with any of their neighbors or friends?

They even stumble upon an emergency shelter loaded with clean food, water and shelter and leave it to continue on his quest for the coast. In the presence of such a hoard of food, I find it incredibly difficult to imagine that a starving man and child would be able to walk away from it. As a literary device it works well to show how humanity can snap back in place when essentials aren’t in scarce supply, however, common sense dictates that he would make camp in the area and continue to forage food and supplies to ensure that he and the boy built up their immune systems and energy reserves. The shelter is stocked with bullets that do not work with his gun, so he leaves them there, rather than cart them along as items to barter and trade or use in an improvised fashion for self defense. 

Rather than continue to rag on the book for what it didn’t do, I would rather focus on three things it did do that put me into quasi panic mode and made me reevaluate my plans.

1.    Made me conscious of how little I have prepared myself for life without verifiable maps and the ability to navigate without a GPS. The Man and the boy follow the highways and open road on their quest to find the coast. This is incredibly dangerous as it leaves them open to attack from all of the threats present in the book. They do not seem to have a choice as their shopping cart could not make it through the brush of the forests. I had to question how I would have handled it differently. Would a simple plank frame sledge dragged through the forest be any better? It would leave tracks and be easy to follow and difficult to handle. Would a compass still be a viable guide?

2.    Kill or be killed? Is holding on to their morals really the most appropriate way to survive? When they meet up with other people on the road, they often give the strangers the benefit of the doubt, leaving themselves open to attack. Why didn’t they form an alliance with at least one other adult for protection? That way they wouldn’t be sleeping unguarded at night, the boy wouldn’t have had to remain alone unguarded while the man foraged for wood and food and they would have had far more options for self defense.

3.    In an apocalyptic situation, is survival really the only consideration? What about rebuilding a civilization? The book mentions communes and cannibalistic tribes as well as nomadic gangs of men and permanent homesteaders farming people. But are there no groups of like-minded people with knowledge and skills available to create a safer community of refugees? By merely surviving are they in fact ensuring their extinction? In living a day to day hard scrabble existence, they cannot plan for the future. How is the man such a dead shot when he has been carrying around two shots in his gun for over three years without shooting it? Practice is essential for any type of specialized skill. Gardening and animal husbandry are impossible thanks to the bleak conditions and the need to continually move along. How has this scenario changed my preparations for potential disasters and emergencies? Hugely; I am rethinking most of my plans and reassessing my viable skills.

All in all, both the movie and the book got me thinking long and hard about the steps I have taken so far to prepare and the things I still need to do. The biggest item I am lacking is knowledge. Educating myself more about homesteading practices, basic outdoorsman-ship and personal health care and protection would be far more useful than a majority of the gadgets that I have stockpiled. I may end up somewhere far from my stash, but I will always have the training in how to create a natural water filter or know which potential vegetation is edible and which is akin to hazardous waste. The book and the movie are certainly not for the faint of heart and will not help you sleep better at night, but they will get your brain working and inspire you to do a better job of prepping for the potential future.

Lucas Gregson is a Personal Security Plan specialist with a keen interest in prepping and home security. He advocates for sensible self defense training and the enjoyment of a good book but not at the same time.

The Crazies – A Movie Review from Survivalist Perspective

This is a guest post by Ranger Man of SHTF blog.
I’m not a big fan of television or movies, but when 2 different people that know me and my SHTF tendencies said, “you need to watch The Crazies” I paid attention and ordered it up. If you’re looking for a movie that will give you lots of TEOTWAWKI knowledge, The Crazies isn’t it. Approach the movie as SHTF entertainment and you probably won’t be disappointed. I wasn’t.

Generally speaking, I’d put this movie on par with 28 Days and 28 Days Later both in plot and genre. Without giving away movie secrets, generally what happens is a military plane carrying some bio-chemical agent crashes in a town’s drinking water supply. The agent flows down stream and adds a new meaning to “there must be something in the water.” The unnamed agent essentially makes people … crazy – zombie-like crazy, where your only purpose in life is to kill others.

The friends that recommended the movie both told me “you watch it and think – that’s exactly how the military would respond.” They were right; you are left with that impression. The military cuts communication to/from the town, seals all roads out, and swoops down on the town, rounding up people and separating those with high temperatures to determine who might be infected, and tagging/segregating the rest. What starts as a systematic approach to containing the situation goes to hell when a few hillbillies ram the fence and start firing at military personnel, either because they’re infected or because they want to release loved ones. The crowd then bum rushes the fence and everything goes downhill. Let me say this, though – if this chemical agent was real, how the military responded to this incident is exactly how I’d want them to – take no shit, because otherwise the world would certainly end.

Movies like this are not typically something that rank high on my “must watch” list, because I don’t like the suspense/thriller/horror movie-induced heart racing feeling when you know something bad is about to happen, but you’re still going to jump anyway. I handled it better than my wife, though. When the movie ended she promptly proclaimed, “I get to pick the next movie, and it’s going to be a romantic comedy.”
There ARE a few SHTF bits of knowledge you can walk away with, though …. well, two:

1.      Police tire spike strips ( are pretty freaking cool when you need to get a vehicle stopped. Unlike in the movie, I doubt they send a high-speed vehicle flying in the air, however. If you had to secure the driveway to your home, a tire spike strip might help.
2.      Don’t walk the highway when killers are looking for people. Why do people do this in the movies all the time? I know why, because they’re easy to follow and provide a direct, fast path from point A to point B. The downside is everyone watches them.
Since watching the movie I’ve discussed it with a number of non-preparedness minded people and I often hear “that could really happen.” I wouldn’t go that far, but to the extent The Crazies might scare someone enough to take a few rational preparedness steps toward self-reliance, perhaps that’s the best way to use it from a SHTF perspective – convincing spouses to gear up!
    Ranger Man the author of SHTF blog

Cool Guys Don’t Look at Explosions

Movie Review: Book of Eli

Today we were at the store for something else and I got Book of Eli. I missed it in the theater and never ended up renting it. This evening we sat down and watched it. To the usual format.

The good: I was really entertained by this movie. Denzel Washington is a great actor and the movie was quite enjoyable. It kept a good pace and had plenty of action. His use of a big (military looking) rechargeable battery to power an Ipod was pretty resourceful. Also Mila Kunis is pretty darn easy on the eyes even in simulated post apocalypse get up.

At one point a goblin noticed the main character had a gun. He said “I bet it is empty, they are all empty these days” or something to that effect.  This is just a good reminder that without ammunition guns are useless. Ammo isn’t cheap but it is pretty darn important. Stash at least couple hundred rounds per gun. A case or maybe even two is probably better.

I appreciated that it dealt with the whole Apocalypse thing in a realistic manner. People will do bad things to each other and thinking otherwise is at best idealistic and at worst dangerous.  It was not idealized or sanitized or anything like that. However it dealt with the issue in a way that wasn’t vulgar or unnecessarily extreme. A tough balancing act for sure and they executed it well.

The bad: I found the whole situation with water in the book as really unrealistic. Simply put human beings need a certain amount of water every day to live. The exact amount varies based upon conditions but you can not condition yourself to live on less. If memory serves me correctly the US Army tried water rationing and progressively decreasing water consumption in North Africa during WWII with disastrous results. The levels characters seemed to be consuming in the movie were seemingly below the levels needed to sustain life.

The ugly: There wasn’t really any ugly.

This movie was pretty much a strait forward action movie with a religious and apocalyptic twist. I am glad it is now part of our collection and look forward to watching it again in the future. You will almost surely enjoy it.